Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Location: Chamber Boardroom 6:30 p.m.

Attendees: David O’Connell (DO), Colin Best (CB), Troy Newton (TN), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Margaret Lara (ML), Sara Bergsma (SB), Sukh Brar (SBr), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).

Guests: Alan Cooke (AC),

Regrets: Joe Taglieri (JT),  Eric Chabot (EC),

DO called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm.

DO asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest.  No declarations were made.

DO asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.

  • CB moved to accept the minutes as presented. SB seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report (attached).

  • MG reported that we have incurred 50% of expected expenses to date.
    • He noted that the DMSF expenses were at $55K. CC noted that this will change as the final accounting with the town was not complete and there will be adjustments coming.  We should end up at or below budget.
  • MG noted that the audit has happened. He would like to have a better system in place next year to prepare for the required paperwork.

CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report.  TN seconded the motion. Motion passed.

KD presented the local Councillor’s report:

  • At Monday’s Council meeting a technical report was presented for the proposed condo at 101 Nipissing. The Condo at Derry/25 has been approved.
  • Official Plan review has launched and is being pushed through social media. Will focus on growth to 2041.
  • At the next meeting CB/KTD will be presenting a motion on Climate Change. We are the only municipality not to declare a Climate Emergency.  We need dedicated town staff to manage sustainability – should not be a political issue.  There are grants available but we are “leaving money on the table” by not having people to manage this.

CB presented the regional Councillor’s report.

  • Construction status of Main St. E – going to Mill and Mary sts.
  • Clean up expected for Car Show and finish work in August.
  • Bronte St. N work has started – to go to 3 lanes
  • Steeles Ave is finished.
  • Region:
    • Work has begun on the official plan that will cover to 2041
    • Mayor Burton to present a motion on allocation – have already approved 2200 units and will expect 1024 new home occupancies in Milton.
  • Restore will temporarily relocate to Rona – 18 to 24 months. Fire crews doing training around old Restore building.

ML moved to accept the Council report as presented. MG seconded the motion.  Motion Passed.

CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).

  • Member News:
    • Adam van Koerverden installed signage at the old Ice Cream Lab location. CB reported that the office is expected to open July 17.
  • Beautification:
    • The garden contracts are being reviewed by one of the Town’s Supply Chain Management specialists.
  • Car Show
    • CC noted the need for volunteers to hand out CS prizes – DO, SBr, AC, KTD volunteered.
  • DMSF Results:
    • Cc reviewed the summary of DMSF results.
  • Sidewalk Sale
    • Charity partners – CC advised that instead of one charity partner for this event, we have reached out to several local Milton youth organizations to invite them to come down to set up an info booth, hand out giveaways or take registrations.

Clements request:

  • The board discussed Brad Clement’s request from the June meeting.
  • DO to speak to Crozier.
  • A draft letter to be presented to the Board at the August meeting for review.

Holiday Event:

  • Scheduled to speak to Christine Ivany of All Canadian Events tomorrow

Wifi Update:

  • CC relayed the update on Main Street Wifi from the Town’s IT department.
    • Expected to be implemented shortly.
    • Budget and MOU need to be finalized.


  • CC discussed the MEV initiative to have member seminars and asked Board for opinions on what topics to cover and what time to hold seminars. Board felt that 7pm was ideal and that the focus should be on Social Media and Digital Marketing with an emphasis on helping store owners understand why these are needed.

CB  made a motion to accept the ED’s report.  TN seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Other Business:

  • TN discussed his experience at a recent Brampton event where single use plastics were banned. This meant increased costs for disposable items but people had a very good response to the initiative.
    • Board discussed pushing this type of initiative for next year’s DMSF.
  • TN noted that there were vagrants living in the creek behind the gravel lot where he parks his trailers.
    • CB noted that the Deputy Chief has been trying to take care of the vagrant issue.

CB made a motion to adjourn the meeting. TN seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7.39pm.