Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Location: Virtual via Zoom 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Eric Chabot (EC), Monique Gaudet (MG), Colin Best (CB), Diana Lakich (DL), Eric Parris (EP), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Moe Hartley (MH)
Regrets: Eric Parris (EP), Tom Dusmet (TD)
Guest: Frank Avila (FA), Legacy of Honour Program
DL called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
EC asked the board if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. None were made.
Motion to accept the previous meeting minutes by CB, seconded by DL. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (MG)
- There is little to report to date, aside from salary and rent expenses, there haven’t been any significant expenditures so far.
- SummerFest expenditures will begin next month.
- MH: Suggested that the budget be sent in print format.
- Monique clarified that by choosing the worksheet and opting to print only the selected content, it will print out in the proper format.
- CB moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. MH seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Council Reports
Regional (CB)
- Provincial By-election will be held on May 2, encouraging everyone to vote.
- Two meet the candidates’ nights on April 23 at Country Heritage Park and April 25 at the Milton’s Sports Centre banquet room. 5 candidates are officially registered, and 2 possible candidates.
- The Bell Allocation program was approved by Milton Town Council on March 25 for the 12,000 additional homes. Number of them in Milton Heights and along the transit routes.
- Future condo projects near go stations no longer have to offer tenant parking.
- Several decisions are being made on zoning which will affect the future of downtown and what types of tenants will be able to have businesses.
Local (CB & KTD)
- In an effort to increase housing options and supply throughout the province, the provincial government has recently made some changes to the Planning Act, permitting two additional residential units (ARUs) on an urban residential lot containing a detached house, semi-detached house or townhouse. This would allow up to three residential units in total on a residential lot with municipal water and sewage services.
- The Town is in the process of reviewing and updating its policies and regulations regarding additional residential units to align with the updated Planning Act. More information can be found
- Next council meeting on April 15 to review additional planning applications
- Big changes at The Town of Milton, Christine Scott has been transferred as Commissioner of Community services to Corporate Services, and Doug Sampano has been promoted to Commissioner of Community Services.
- Request from residents to get the graffiti off Main Street.
- EC suggested to speak with By-law to open orders for graffiti removal.
- Further strategic planning for the Mobility Hub will occur, requiring input from BIA members.
- Farmers Market begins on Saturday May 18th and will run until October 19, with the exception of Saturday June 1.
- MH moved to accept the Council Report. DL seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- **Administration:
- Awaiting a response from the Canada Summer Jobs grant. Once confirmation is received, I will publish the job posting. Last year MP Adam van Koeverden received the final list of approved applicants on April 14, 2024
- The Employee Benefits Program became effective April 1, 2024
- Mira Nasser, Events and Communication Coordinator is on vacation from April 10 – 17, 2024
- Monique Gaudet, Executive Director is on vacation May 1 – 3, 2024
- Top of Form
- **Board Member Update
- As of March 31, 2024, Ian Campbell formally resigned from the DMBIA board of directors.
- Social media and promotions – Key focus is the Downtown Milton BIA businesses and SummerFest2024
- SummerFest 2024 planning has begun
- Seasonal Patio program has opened, applications close on April 16th
- Taste of Downtown Milton was successful
Survey results:
66.7% said sales were higher, 33.7% said it was about the same, however new customers were generated
83.3% said the program generated new customers for their establishment
83.3% said that they would participate in the program again
- DL expressed that the initiative was beneficial
- We continue to increase our Instagram followers; currently at 9,855 followers
Business updates: Ohana Kids and Family Salon Closed on Sunday April 7, 2024
- We have completed the Facilitating Strategic Planning for Your Organization free training series for non-for profits. We will begin a call for the committee members following SummerFest 2024.
- Mayor’s Breakfast 2024 is on April 24 @ 8 am – 10 am, Rattle Snake Point Golf Club
- OBIAA Conference begins April 28, 2024
- **Grants:
- My Main Street Activator Grant: Enhancing parkette ambiance with two mosaic tables featuring multicultural art and an interactive game, fosters community bonds, creating an inclusive outdoor gathering area. Total project cost $68,565
- MH moved to accept the Executive Director Report. DL seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- **Legacy of Honour Program:
- The legion is beginning a Legacy of Honour Program. This initiative will include 40 banners along Downtown Milton with the BIA for 5-6 weeks, dates to be confirmed. Final approval will come from The Town of Milton.
- Official fundraising launch date is June 2, Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 136 – Milton
- More information on how to donate and upcoming fundraisers can be found at
- CB asked if the program is open only to veterans that were members of Branch 136 or can other veterans apply that served from the Town of Milton.
- FA confirmed that program is open to all veterans. We are accepting applications; the contact email is and application can be sent to you.
- CB offered his support for this initiative in required.
- FA is focusing on installation of banners, and costs associated with the program. Currently the cost is $200 per banner, and are developing sponsorship programs, poppy publication approvals, etc.
- An MOU will need to established among The Legion, The Town of Milton, and the DMBIA to ensure a damage clause covers expenses.
- EC suggested reviewing the budget concerning the line item for banner expenses.
- FA is meeting with the Streetsville BIA to walk him through the process.
- CB banners last 5-10 years depending on weather and location.
New Business:
- MH moved to adjourn. KTD seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- EC – Meeting adjourned at 7:14pm.