Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, Jaunary 17, 2024
Location: Virtual via Zoom 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Eric Chabot (EC), Monique Gaudet (MG), Colin Best (CB), Diana Lakich (DL), Eric Parris (EP)
Regrets: Ian Campbell (IC), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Tom Dusmet (TD)
Guest: Lauren Pearson (LP), Digital Service Squad Team Member, Town of Milton, Moe Hartley (MH)
DL called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.
DL asked the board if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. None were made.
Motion to accept the previous meeting minutes by CB, seconded by EP. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (MG)
- Some GL adjustments still require attention, funding for the Canada Summer Jobs grant will be reallocated from donations and sponsorships to the correct account, this will not affect our bottom line
- New financial contact at The Town is Nirpaal Saggu, the year-end variance meeting is schedule for January 30, 2024
- Our cost management was excellent in 2024 as we maintained our expenses within a $2K range compared to last year
- There are still outstanding expenses that require allocation for Miracle on Main Street
- CB moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. IP seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Council Reports
Regional (CB)
- The budgets were approved in December
- The next council meeting is scheduled for January 29th, during which planning applications will be discussed, focusing on updates to the official plan and their impact on the downtown area
- The regional meeting has been extended to February, as we anticipate several changes while awaiting further information from the province
- Colin will be participating in the ROMA Conference next week (Rural Ontario Municipal Association), where various downtown issues will be addressed. He will provide a report on his findings next month
- EC moved to accept the Council Report. EP seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Executive Director’s Report (MG)
- **Administration:
- OBIAA Membership renewal is due. The membership includes the cost of the CRM & Membership annual fee. The total is $1328.87 including HST. The CRM database annual fee is $550.00 plus HST. Is the utilization of the database necessary with an annual fee?
- CB agreed that if we do not have the capacity currently to use the CRM then we should not renew this portion for 2024. We can explore any changes in the future.
- OBIAA 2024 Annual BIA Conference is April 28 – May 1, 2024, in Mississauga. We have a credit on file from 2024 for a Full Registration Ticket $935.25 and a Professional Headshot $12.17.
- MG confirmed that the DMBIA will purchase only one ticket
- The Chambre sent out an email notification about membership advantages, one of which included benefits for small businesses and not for profit employees.
- DL to send MG the package that is provided to Marquee employees
- MG inquired about the possibility of creating a benefits presentation for the board’s review, and the board approved this request.
- A salary increases of 3% was incorporated into the 2024 budget. I would like to send in the Change of Status forms including the motion below confirming the increasing to The Town.
*Motion to approve a 3% salary increase for 2024 for the following employees.
Monique Gaudet, Mira Nasser, Lauren Uba
- CB moved to accept the Council Reports. EP seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- **Board Member Update:
- Sara Bergsma has officially resigned from the DMBIA Board of Directors as Vice Chair effective Friday January 12, 2023.
- Diana Lakich, Vice Chair of the DMBIA Board of Directors has been set up in Workday and will begin invoice approvals and Visa reconciliations.
- Please review, sign, and send me back the 2023 Related Parties Declaration Forms.
- Board introductions will begin to take place in 2024 on social media. MG to send bio and headshots the individual board members for their reviews and updates
- The DMBIA has scheduled a headshot session for January to update the website and create social media introductions.
- Social media and promotions – Key focus is the Downtown Milton BIA businesses.
- We continue to increase our Instagram followers; currently at 9,439 followers. Our goal is to hit
10, 000 followers
- Completed the “Walk and Talk” tour on Thursday December 21 with MP Adam van Koeverden highlighted Mirror by Nurse Yara, WeeCare Pediatric, Shawarma Ally, Nature’s Spirit.
- Business updates:
- Hydrabad Cafe opening
- King of Glass
- **Upcoming Events:
- A Taste of Downtown Milton – February 23, 2024 – March 17, 2024 – Currently we have 5 restaurants on board, and we creating a new website to highlight the initiative and will primarily focus on Taste of Downtown Milton
- SummerFest 2024: Saturday, June 1, 2024, we are announcing this January 22, 2024
- **Sponsorship:
- Creating the 2024 DMBIA sponsorship package. I will finalize the package and send it to the board for review
- I would like to offer a low tiered partnership opportunities for community members
- BMO is confirmed as the presenting sponsor for SummerFest
- **Grants & Partnerships:
- Tourism Growth Program in Southern Ontario is open until February 29th, 2024 (Food & Wine Event)
- Increase tourism benefits for communities by driving visitation from urban areas to rural areas.
- Support economic, environmental, and cultural sustainability.
- Support active outdoor experiences.
- Extend the tourism season (e.g., new or expanded tourism offerings outside of the traditional high season).
- My Main Street Program: Opens February 15, 2024: (Ivy Arms Walkway) The investment supports the stabilization and revitalization of main streets and neighbourhoods that continue to attract people to southern Ontario’s communities. Since 2022, My Main Street has provided direct-to-business and community support on southern Ontario’s main streets, recognizing their vital role in Canada’s culture and economic prosperity. My Main Street will once again include the Community Activator stream, supporting 75 communities’ high impact placemaking projects that seek to revitalize neighborhoods and reimagine public spaces including main streets, downtown strips and plazas as vibrant and inclusive places that work for everyone.
- CB confirmed that the Ivy Arms walkway was originally a BIA project, and it is definitely in need of improvement.
The investment will include a new program stream entitled the Business Sustainability Program. This stream will provide non-repayable contributions up to $20,000 in direct-to-business funding to support productivity enhancements for up to 325 brick-and-mortar businesses located on main streets across southern Ontario. We will share this with our members.
- Meeting with Diksha Pal Narayan, Arts Milton to discuss potential upcoming partnerships.
- We continue to promote Downtown Milton as a vibrant and growing business community.
- 2024 BIA Strategic Member Survey will be distributed at the end of the month.
- EC requested that I circulate the survey for board review prior to sending it to the member
- Working on the 2024 Operating Calendar which will align with the 2024 Strategic Member Survey responses.
- Facilitating Strategic Planning for Your Organization free training series for non-for profits. We would like to attend the seminars; board approval is a requirement. Total hours of the program is 24 hours in total
- Board approved the participation of the free seminar
- OBIAA, continues to advocate for the extension of CEBA loan repayment on behalf of small businesses, is recommending this positioning statement: Supporting Small Businesses: Calling on the Federal Government to allow businesses pursuing the announced five percent (5%) loan to also qualify for forgiveness of the forgivable portion ($10,000 to $20,000).
- **Beautification
- Continue to follow up and work with tagged business buildings include: 133 Main Street, 167 Main Street, 207 Main Street. Monique to speak with Glen about the remaining grant funding that can be applied to the removal of graffiti.
- Review email recommendations: MAIN STREET Cafes
- CB received social media comments on the below topics on how to make Downtown more attractive. Is it better to be consistent or is it better to have some creativity
- All of Barrie’s cafes and restaurants look the same. What there now is not uniform, and the street looks tacky. Casa Americans looked awful with the white barriers. The Ivy Arms, the
Barn Door and Chudleigh’s has a better job of the outdoor cafe and restaurant culture in Milton.
Response: The BIA has engaged in multiple conversations with Amreek at Casa Americo regarding the patio and his barriers. Unfortunately, we are unable to tell him what to do. The Town can communicate with him and enforce that he implement the same barriers as Barn Door.
- DL commented that Marquee has decided not to participate in the patio program this year as they do not want the barriers in front of their space, which they believe detracts from the attractiveness of their storefront and gives the impression of being under construction. Additionally, there is a monthly charge of $500.00 to have the barriers onsite.
- CB requested input from the members so that Staff could discuss recommendations with the Town aimed at collaborating and reducing costs or increasing efficiency
- DL confirmed that Oakville has them on the street.
- EC confirmed that the Town administers the patio program. A logical starting point would be for Staff to engage with the members to gather their opinions and assess their interest in investment. Understanding the preferences and concerns of members participating in the patio program should be our initial step.
- CB asked Monique to follow up with the Town regarding aesthetics and safety issues.
- The street flower bed need to be raised. Last year the dirt from the beds spread on the sidewalks from rain and foot traffic.
Response: I do agree. We currently have receptacles situated in our flower beds, and we need to guarantee that they are easily accessible for vendors. Additionally, our electrician may need to access them in case of damage, which includes digging down to the fuse for repairs. Norris Electrical has suggested raising the receptacle posts, at a cost of $300 per bed, and approximately 16-24 posts would need to be elevated. Instead of raising the flower beds, may The Town could contain them within a 4-inch height enclosure. I will also speak with the Flower Shed regarding the amount of mulch that was placed on the beds last year.
- EC notes that 4×4 pressure treated 2 layers high would be the most economical, However, there is concern that snowplows during winter may damage them. There is an ongoing maintenance allocation allowance in the budget that can be utilized towards this upgrade
- MG to speak with the Town regarding options and to review past notes. CB and KTD to be copied on the initial email
- MH recommended that we check with Town legal regarding a tripping hazard based on the height recommendations
- The general appearance on Main Street was untidy. Ice cream spoons and waste on the street. Garbage often spilling on the street. We need more garbage containers and more sidewalk benches. More town-maintained workers tidying the street. This all-costs money, but Milton is worth it.
Response: If we could approach the Town for additional bins and benches that would be great. Location of benches: Health 217, Old Service Ontario Building, Smoke Shop, the Parkette.
Parkette: Paint the picnic benches at the parkette, add additional benches and remove the mulch with grass to open seating area.
- Closing Main Street to traffic Saturday to Sunday would be a great plan. Look to Barrie as an example. They do a great job.
Response: We would incur additional costs and a lot of staff hours to keep the closure active. I recently spoke with Brian Kennedy from Cambridge BIA, and he mentioned that they have successfully closed streets. They have several retail stores, patios, and cafes actively participating and engaging with the community along with Town assistance. Unfortunately, we do not have that type of participation currently.
- EC mentioned that our members would be dissatisfied with the situation. There’s a distinct difference in the layout between Cambridge and Galt, where Highway 24 passes through, and the shopping streets run perpendicular to the road. In contrast, Milton has a different layout, with Main Street being the primary road, and if it were to be closed, there would be no traffic flow.
Special Guest Report:
Lauren Pearson (LP)
- LP presented a Progress Update on the Milton Food and Wine Festival
- Scaling down the event into Stage 1 & Stage 2
New Business:
- EP moved to adjourn. DL seconded the motion. Motion passed.
DL – Meeting adjourned at 6:49 pm.