Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Location: Virtual via Zoom 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Eric Chabot (EC), Monique Gaudet (MG), Tom Dusmet (TD), Ian Campbell (IC), Colin Best (CB), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Diana Lakich (DL), Eric Parris (EP)
Regrets: Sara Bergsma (SB)
Guest: Lauren Pearson (Digital Service Squad Team Member, Town of Milton)
EC called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
EC asked the board if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. None were made.
Motion to accept the previous meeting minutes by TD, seconded by DL. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (TD)
- Currently we are at 135% of budget on our expenses however, our revenues are higher, so we made up for our overage.
- The expense trending report provides a comparison of the 2022 figures, but tracking is challenging due to differences in our current program and the timing of expenses compared to last year.
- Revenue and expenses for December are still pending.
- Substantial expenditures, such as $3400 for Christmas materials and supplies, are reflected in the report, including vendor costs and deposits.
- Expenses related to summer events are still being accounted for.
- October and November are characterized by high expenses, and there is an expectation of some carryover from November into December.
- IC moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. EP seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Council Reports
Local (KTD)
- The Town of Milton budget was passed and there is a significant increase, the blended rate includes the region, police and school board will increase to 5.93% which is in line with Halton Hills, and The Town of Guelph.
- The average home in Milton is assessed at $600,000, the market value $1.1 million, increase to a total of $4600 a year in property taxes, on average $260 extra per year.
- TD: Who is responsible for Police presence in Milton?
- KTD: The Halton Regional Police is at a regional level however, we are in contact with the police on a local level.
Regional (CB)
- Regional Council approved the regional budget just over 3% plus the police and combined with the Town is just over 5.93%
- The Region deferred a report for regarding Allocation looking coming back to the report in February
- The Region approved the Halton Regional Police budget, including 28 new patrol officers, 8 of which will be in the Milton area.
- Construction continues at the Tremaine Rd. interchange. Currently they are pounding in pillars for the embankment.
- EP moved to accept the Council Reports. TD seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Executive Director’s Report (MG)
- **Administration:
- The 2024 DMBIA Operating budget was passed by council at the budget meeting on December 4th, 2023.
- OBIAA Membership renewal is due and will be paid this month. The membership includes the cost of the CRM & Membership annual fee. The total is $1328.87 including HST.
- OBIAA 2024 Annual BIA Conference is April 28 – May 1, 2024, in Mississauga. Registration opens in January.
- Review the Mobile Expression of Interest application for the OBIAA conference – attached in board package.
- EC: we will not be participating in the Mobile Expression for the OBIAA con
- I am attending The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair (OMAFRA) Downtown Revitalization Program free webinar on Wednesday December 13th @ 10 am
- Compiling the results for the Miracle on Main Street in Downtown Milton Board Summary Report.
- **Board Member Update:
- Laura Newton from The Kind Matter Company has expressed interest in joining the DMBIA Board of Directors. More information to follow.
- Unanimous e-vote to approve Diana Lakich as the new Vice Chair was completed on November 20, 2023.
*Motion to approve Diana Lakich as the new Vice Chair for the DMBIA Board of Directors
- KTD moved to accept the Council Reports. TD seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- The Tree Lighting took place on Friday December 1st, 2023, at 5:30 pm. Cerelli Tree Farm & The Christmas Light Company donated their time and support.
- Social media and promotions – Key focus was Miracle on Main Street in Downtown Milton, the downtown businesses giveaway contest, Light up the Winter Nights Sponsorship program.
- Winter snowflakes are up.
- We continue to increase our Instagram followers; currently at 9314 followers.
- Walk and Talk” tour on Thursday December 21 @ 1pm -3pm with MP Adam van Koeverden about how the BIA is doing, Milton tourism, and funding opportunities, as well as visit 4 – 5 unique businesses including a brand-new business, 1 with heritage that’s a staple in Milton, 1 that may need help, and 1 other business that I think would be good to visit.
- Downtown Milton’s Festive Elf Hunt with Martin and Mary – 3-day Instagram promotion starting December 19th – December 21st
Business updates:
- WeeCare Pediatric Home Health Care Inc. opened at 160 Main St. E.
- Main Care Pharmacy & Clinic opened at 310 Main St. E. #108
- The Sweetest Thing Bakery will be moving into 197 Main St. E. (old Service Ontario).
- Smile Lounge Dental opening soon
- Byrden’s is under construction – Chuck’s Roadhouse
- Comfort Bras by Pauline 155 Main St. E. moved to Milton Mall
- Muse Studio Market will be leaving 207 Main St. E. in March
For Sale:
- Business: Illusion Hair Studio
- **Additional Events
- A Taste of Downtown Milton – February 23, 2024 – March 17, 2024
- **Sponsorship and Community Partnerships
- Created a “Light up the Winter Nights” sponsorship opportunity for which includes a Community Level allowing our members/smaller businesses to participate. We had 8 members participate at various levels.
- Cerelli Tree Farm and The Christmas Light Company donated their time and support for the tree lighting ceremony.
- Creating the 2024 DMBIA sponsorship package.
- **Grants:
- Experience Ontario 2024 is open however, they have changed the eligibility to the following criteria:
- Take place between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025, over a minimum of two consecutive days*
- Occur in the province of Ontario.
- Be open to the public at large without membership in a club or group.
- NEW! Previous year’s attendance must include tourist attendance at 30% of overall attendance or 5,000 tourists.
- NEW! Has been held at least once in the previous three-year period.
- Follow all municipal and provincial guidelines, including health and safety guidelines. *One-day tourism festivals or events held on Canada Day are eligible for funding
- We continue to promote Downtown Milton as a vibrant and growing business community.
- Vacancy Report:
3 % based on store front locations.
4 % based on office building vacant units: 250 Main Street (3), 310 Main Street (3), 225 Main Street (2)
- Accessibility reports are due December 31, 2023, reminder email will be sent in the member update this week and posted in our new Facebook group.
- This past weekend a homeless woman was sleeping in front of Southside church, she was there still on Monday. Colin contacted Halton Regional Police and 311. They are doing wellness checks on her.
- OBIAA, continues to advocate for the extension of CEBA loan repayment on behalf of small businesses, is recommending this positioning statement: Supporting Small Businesses: Calling on the Federal Government to allow businesses pursuing the announced five percent (5%) loan to also qualify for forgiveness of the forgivable portion ($10,000 to $20,000).
- **Beautification
- Continue to follow up and work with tagged businesses buildings include: 133 Main Street, 167 Main Street, 207 Main Street.
- Tree lighting, LED Christmas Snowflakes
- EP moved to accept the Executive Director Report. TD seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Special Guest Report:
Lauren Pearson (LP)
- LP presented a Progress Update and Request Presentation for the DMBIA to co-host the event.
- DL showcased the hosting website for the three-day event, encompassing details such as sponsorship information, industry partners, the culinary village, and more.
Highlighted discussion points:
EC: Scaling down the event to stage 1, featuring dinner ticket sales exclusively for participating restaurants. This approach aims to avoid any associated DMBIA costs and chance of failure within the first year.
CB moved to accept. TD seconded the motion. Motion passed.
MG: Lauren and Diana will schedule a meeting with Monique to review an updated budget and explore event ideas.
New Business:
- EP moved to adjourn. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- EC – Meeting adjourned at 8: pm.