As a member of the Downtown Milton Business Improvement Area, you’ll enjoy exclusive benefits and valuable support for yourself and your business. We work closely with our members to support their success and build a vibrant community.

Marketing and promotion – Get listed on our online business directory and gain exposure through our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. Be sure to mention or tag us in your posts so we can share some of your content with our network. Members of the DMBIA, Milton Chamber of Commerce and Escarpment Country are also listed through the voice query directory Marketplace Milton.

Events and activities – Participate in our events, activities and contests throughout the year or become a sponsor to increase your visibility and support your community

News and information – Get updates about our community, legislative changes, upcoming opportunities, useful resources and more through our member newsletter and other channels

Networking – Connect with other BIA members through special events and activities, our Annual General Meeting or by joining a committee or the Board of Directors

Beautification – Benefit from our landscaping, street décor and maintenance efforts which help to create a welcoming and cohesive atmosphere just outside your doorstep.

Advocacy and support – Get support on key issues impacting our members and benefit from the BIA’s network and partnerships.

Helpful Resources
- Town of Milton Parking page
- Town of Milton Economic Development Office
- Town of Milton Bylaw Office
- Halton Region BIA waste pick-up schedule
- Halton Region Small Business Center
- Digital marketing resources
- Milton Chamber of Commerce
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business
- Town of Milton Graffiti and Litter Bylaw
- Town of Milton Operations Contact Form (To report issues related to graffiti, snow removal, litter and debris, road maintenance and more)
- Town of Milton Engineering Contact Form (To report issues related to streetlights and more.)
- DMBIA Facebook Group (Members only)
- DMBIA SummerFest Member Application