Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Location: Online, 6:30 p.m.

Attendees: Eric Chabot (EC), Sara Bergsma (SB), Margaret Lara (ML), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Colin Best (CB), Ian Campbell (IC), Eric Parris (EP), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Rachel Shuttleworth (RS)

Regrets: Julie Rock (JR), Joe Taglieri (JT)

EC called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

EC asked the board if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. None were made.

 Review of previous minutes

    • SB moved to accept September minutes. IC seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report (MG)

  • Expenses came in at $22k for October.
  • Standard month in terms of expenditures, some additional revenues came in this month.
  • Used about 77% of budget to date, several of our events and projects are happening between now and end of the year so expenses will be higher than normal for next two months. Expecting to have some surplus.
  • RS – For HolidayFest and Downtown Lights projects, will likely be spending full funding amounts. Mural coming under budget as there is a lot of in-kind support for project which is great. For that project we would be covered for 75% of eligible costs that we spend.
    • EP moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. KTD seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Council Reports

Local (KTD)

  • Municipal election now wrapped up. KTD, CB continuing as councillors for Ward 1. Mayor remains in place. There are two new councillors for Ward 3 and a new local councillor for Ward 4.
  • Province approved growth plan that the region did not approve. This means more development coming for Milton.
  • BIA delegation to council for event support happening December 12. By then councillors will have reviewed the proposed budget. KTD has spoken to some fellow councillors about our event request. There is lots of budget pressure right now. Councillors will be looking closely at how much property taxes should change. Make the point that investing in downtown and events is what will help small businesses, bring more economic activity to our downtown. RS currently talking to Town staff about the request and how best to make the presentation to councillors.
  • MEDAC – KTD is chairing that committee. BIA would be a good fit for the committee or a sub-committee focusing on small & home-based business. RS agrees BIA should be involved in some of those discussions.
  • Economic Development’s new GIS mapping system rolling out. Can look at population, spending habits based on neighbourhood, ward, etc. We should inform members about the new system. Will be publicly accessible on Town’s website.

Regional (CB)

  • Had last regional council meeting of the previous term today.
  • Got report from province for Bill 23 which has some major planning changes and regional official plan approval with some changes to it (removes the region from planning and leaves it to the municipalities, with involvement from the Ministry).
  • Construction projects currently underway. Ontario Street should be done by end of November, Bronte Street should be open by end of December
    • ML moved to accept the Council report. EP seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Executive Director’s Report (RS)

 Delegation to council

  • Board members welcome to attend delegation to council to show support. Happening December 12. EC & RS working on presentation.

Event updates

  • Tiny Tots Trick or Treat took place Saturday, October 29, 10am-12pm. Huge turn-out and long line-ups. Most businesses ran out of candy. Some members were overwhelmed. Staff will develop some recommendations related to traffic flow and organization of this growing event.
  • HolidayFest – Townsend Smith confirmed as charitable partner. Requested additional police support for event (police will be onsite earlier and staying later). Sponsorship is a bit lower than last year but some sponsors decided to sponsor SummerFest instead of HolidayFest this year, so no concerns. Requesting staff support from Town – waiting to hear back. Will have a couple additional BIA staff at the event (former summer students) but need more staff/volunteer support.
  • Other events – Santa Claus Parade happening soon. We are supporting a light display for Miracle on Main and will have a booth at event.
  • Train rides – Closing Brown St lot for two evenings of train rides through lights funding. Along with this, we will promote the light displays and other activities happening at the businesses. Happening December 10 and 16.
  • KTD – Asked whether Miracle will continue to be run as an evening event. Worth exploring opportunity to combine Miracle with HolidayFest. Each partner could have a lot to bring to the table. RS has discussed briefly with Troy and will continue to explore. Questions would need to be answered around timing, duration, roles and responsibilities, sponsorship, etc.


  • Graffiti – Got a few comments from property owners recently that police need to be downtown more often to help deter graffiti. Posted information from police on our website about what owners should do if they find graffiti or see it happening.
  • Mural – Painting is complete. Artist and art assistant did a wonderful job. Unveiling event happening tomorrow at parkette with partners and dignitaries. Celebration to follow at Pretty Rad with appetizers, opportunity to meet the artists. Celebration costs (at restaurant) will not be covered by funding. Board supports providing attendees with a drink ticket. SB asked if graffiti coating has been applied to wall, it has.
  • Lights – Will be installed right before Santa Claus parade. SB suggested we post wreaths online and sell at a discount or try to get a new home on them. EC can take any remaining wreaths to dump afterwards.
    • CB moved to accept the ED report. IC seconded the motion. Motion passed.

New Business

  • December meeting will be in-person. KTD possible location is Butcher Bar work if they are open by then.


    • CB moved to adjourn. EP seconded the motion. Motion passed.
    • Meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm.