Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Location: Online, 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Colin Best (CB), Ian Campbell (IC), Eric Parris (EP), Margaret Lara (ML), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Rachel Shuttleworth (RS)
Regrets: Eric Chabot (EC), Sara Bergsma (SB), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Julie Rock (JR), Joe Taglieri (JT)
CB called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
CB asked the board if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. None were made.
Treasurer’s Report (delivered by RS)
- Large amount of expenses in November due to events and projects, approximately $136k. Includes mural expenses, lights, event expenses, etc.
- 117% spent from original 2022 budgeted amount. We were able to make additional investments due to funding we received for additional projects. Expecting some surplus for 2022. Lots many expenses coming in this month with cancellation of HolidayFest, and other projects happening.
Council Reports
Local (KTD)
- Had our budget meeting this week with some delegates present. Staff proposing a property tax increase of 7.96%. Council will debate this in January and decide what to do. Town faces the same pressures as all of us – inflation, rising costs, etc.
- Bill-23 and potential impacts on development charge revenue as a result of that.
- Bronte reopening December 22. Some work will continue in the spring but road will remain open.
- Town partnering with local volunteer groups to have four community rinks in Milton.
Regional (CB)
- Bill-23 discussions still underway.
- First regional council working meeting held today with introduction of the budget.
- Bronte Street and Ontario Street will reopen shortly.
- Council and staff looking at community fund and civic precinct. Meritor plant will be coming back for a public meeting early in the new year.
- IC moved to accept the council reports. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Executive Director’s Report (RS)
HolidayFest Cancellation
- Event cancelled on December 3 due to high winds and dangerous weather.
- Some expenses still outstanding for this event.
- Had very generous offer from Miracle on Main to invite our vendors to their event. Had about a dozen vendors participate, several were booked with other events already.
- Offering alternative events for 2022 for our vendors. Considering offering credit for 2023 events and whether refunds will be needed in specific cases. Important to maintain positive relationships with several of our vendors that come for all our events.
- Have 33 external vendors from HolidayFest. We were anticipating 58 booths which included sponsors and BIA members.
- Still incurred our expenses for the event and sponsorship and vendor revenues have been spent.
- Waiting for confirmation from Reconnect program that we will still be eligible to receive the funding even though event did not take place. We have a good case to show that we are working to pivot into other events as best we can.
- Sponsors – one came out to an alternate event. Sponsors got all the lead-up exposure. About half the sponsors wanted a booth and the others just wanted logo exposure.
- KTD – Many sponsors and experienced vendors would know the weather is beyond our control and wouldn’t expect us to pay back or provide discounts. For some this will be the cost of doing business. Good to manage it on a case-by-case basis. Board here to support as needed. Will be a good opportunity to review the contracts with all our stakeholders for events. Need to go with what is in the contract, but also could make good faith gestures when it is possible.
- Haven’t heard from most of our entertainers. One of the bands played at Miracle on Main instead.
- A few BIAs had to cancel events that day so we have received some tips and ideas from others.
- CB – Weather was brutal that day. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers for the work on the day. Everyone did the best they could with what we had.
- Treasurer position – Need a treasurer to take over the position for 2023. A few board members had candidate ideas. Following up to fill the role.
- Council delegation – We presented on Monday to Council and had a good discussion about downtown events. We will follow up with an email to council to reiterate our messages. Town staff were really helpful in the lead-up to the delegation, and in helping us host SummerFest and pivot from cancelled HolidayFest. CB – At meeting Mayor highlighted the new snowflakes.
- Member survey launching next week to get feedback on our recent events as well as the lights. Will ask members for feedback on the Santa Claus parade on Saturday vs Sunday. Feedback from this survey will be incorporated into our final reports for grants.
- Possible tourism funding available for early 2023. Will look at whether it’s still open for applications and if so, could do something restaurant/food focused featuring special menus and deals. If we were to do this, could do this instead of a kid-focused Easter/spring event.
- CB – Thanks to the whole office team and part-time staff for all the work on recent events.
- Winter Twinkle Express – Event went well on December 10, lots of smiles. Some vendors will be coming out to December 16 event and lots of promotions happening through the radio and online.
- EP moved to adjourn. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.