Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Location: Boardroom 6:30 p.m.

Attendance: David O’Connell (DO), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Colin Best (CB), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Sara Bergsma (SB), Margaret Lara (ML), Sukh Brar (SBr), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC)

DO called the meeting to order at 6.44pm.

DO asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest

DO noted that his company BANG! Creative was now hosting the website and that they would occasionally be doing work on the site. DO will submit the required TOM paperwork regarding this declaration.

DO asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.

  • CB moved to accept the minutes as presented. KTD seconded the motion. Motion passed.

MG presented the treasurer’s report (attached).

  • This was MG’s first meeting as treasurer. MG noted that the numbers from the first couple of months were as expected. Two factors affect the numbers for salary – RS’ Maternity Leave and the CL’s move to full time status.  Major expenses begin in March as the Event season draws closer.
  • MG noted that he has added a column for expected variance to show key drivers.
  • MG has posed a question to TOM re: audit expenses and is waiting on a response. DO noted that this was an on-going issue with the Town
  • CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. KTD seconded the motion. Motion passed.

KTD presented the local Councillor report.

  • At last council meeting, council approved a mulit-storey condo development near the GO station.
  • Transit Master plan will be available later this spring and is currently in a public consultation phase
  • Core Services review is currently underway for Community Services and Operations departments to audit the cost and service levels for our public-facing services. This should be completed by summer time.

CB presented the regional Councillor report.

  • Regional council is having a workshop next week on the water allocation and development charges for the next round of growth for Milton. Staff estimate about 10,000 homes could be built over the next five years in Milton.
  • Milton Regional Councillors and the Mayor are receiving an update on the 2019-2020 regional capital works program on April 10th. I will be passing on the information to the Board and local councillors including the proposed Main Street East pipeline work between Bronte and James.
  • The Region will be submitting their comments to the Province regarding the proposed Regional Review at the next Regional Council meeting on Wednesday March 27th favouring the status quo.

SB moved to accept the Council report as presented. SBr seconded the motion.  Motion Passed.

CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).

CC updated the Board on her conversation with RS re: boundaries and Associate Members.  RS advised that boundary expansion is a long process and it is better to focus on associate members at this time.

  • Other BIAs say associate member programs work to increase engagement – benefits include marketing discounts for events
  • There are about 4-5 businesses on file as expressing interest in joining BIA
  • CB suggested that we investigate associate membership and evaluate their response
  • DO: how do we include new associate members?
  • CB: suggested highlighting that associate members were welcome in any new media release
    • BOD requested that the ED draft a report on how Associate Membership might work and how it could be rolled out for next meeting.

Holiday Street Market

  • BOD discussed member, vendor and community feedback on 2018 HSM.  BOD discussed financial and other benefits and cons to the HSM experience.
      • CD introduced a motion that based on feedback from members, public and the BOD, the DMBIA dissolve the HSM agreement in accordance with the steps outlined in the contract.
        • SB seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.
  • BOD discussed whether the DMBIA should hold an alternative Holiday Event and agreed that it would be good to do but that there were many concerns including financial considerations about this course of action.
    • CB suggested that we could do an event similar to EE/TT events – using the same footprint with vendors, activities and/or a tree/craft component.  Could hold it 10am to 5pm.
    • KTD cautioned that we need to make sure that we execute well as people will have a high level of expectation based on the HSM experience.
    • SB commented that it would be good to get TN’s input in light of his experience with Miracle on Main.
      • BOD requested that the April BOD agenda include a conversation on what a new Holiday event would look like.

Milton Public Market

  • CC reviewed Phil Suos’ MPM announcement on Milton Talks and the BOD reviewed some of the public comments including member reactions. CC also noted that there will be a Public Consultation meeting on March 21st.  DO will attend and report at next meeting.
    • DO: the BIA has a tradition of supporting events occurring nearby with the ultimate aim to increase awareness of the BIA and encourage those attendees to visit Downtown Milton BIA businesses.
    • KTD: we want to encourage support of local businesses.

Milton Chamber’s Incredible Race

  • CC outlined opportunity for BOD.
    • CB motioned to move forward with BOD participation in the Chamber’s 2019 Incredible Race.
      • KTD seconded the motion. Motion passed

Member Education

  • CC noted that there were several opportunities on the table for Member Education from outside sources ie: MEV, Emoggo and Silicon Halton. Alternatively, we could begin sourcing and hosting seminars. CC asked the BOD if they preferred to create a new Member Education section in the newsletter and collect all opportunities for members there or host our own.
    • BOD agreed that at this time we would collect this information and report it in the member newsletters.

Potential New Board Members:

  • We have two people who have expressed interest in joining the Board. According to the Constitution, there is one vacancy on the Board.
  • After discussion, the BOD agreed that the two individuals should complete a Board Application and that we should invite them to attend the April meeting so that they might have a better understanding of our Board. This would allow the BOD to evaluate which would be a better fit.


Flood Plain

  • Don Clements’ group had a meeting with MPP Parm Gill and Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs. Don has requested an email list of members and landlords so that he might encourage them to write letters to these MPPs and others.
    • BOD had privacy concerns about releasing this information. It was determined that we could only provide information that was already publicly available.

Digital Main Street

  • Funding is available through this program to help small business increase their level of digital marketing knowledge.
    • The BOD agreed that the Digital Transformation Training and Grant Program and the Digital Training program should be included in the next member newsletter.
    • Further, that the ED should gather more information on the Digital Service Squad Grants and Programs and provide a report at the next meeting.


  • KTD noted that in the next newsletter we should also include a note to businesses that they should take an active role in clearing snow around their businesses. This should be done in addition to the work by TOM staff to clear the snow and ice.
  • CB requested that the following also be included in the next newsletter:
    • Owners and employees are requested not to park on Main Street
    • Businesses are encouraged to keep their areas clear of cigarette butts and other garbage.

DO asked the Board if there were any questions for the ED.  No questions were brought forth.

  • CB made a motion to accept the ED report. MG seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

DO asked if there was any other business.  No new business was raised.

CD made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  SBr seconded the motion.  Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:23pm