Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Location: online 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Eric Chabot (EC), David O’Connell (DO), Colin Best (CB), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD),Margaret Lara (ML), Sukh Brar (SBr), Sara Bergsma (SB), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).
Regrets: Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Troy Newton (TN), Alan Cooke (AC), Joe Taglieri (JT)
EC called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
EC asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. NO declarations were made.
EC asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.
- CB moved to accept the minutes as presented. DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (attached).
- MG has sent September Treasurer’s report – attached.
- EC discussed reserves – MG to confirm with town
- Note that town has confirmed Journal Entries related to DSMF have been submitted to accounting ($29K)
CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.
KD presented the local Councillor’s report:
- Hwy 401 expansion – in some spots 12 lanes other 10 thru Milton. 401 to James Snow and RR25 to James Snow expansion – done to 2025.
- Budget call report – proposed tax increase – sent back to staff 9.22 increase sent back and have staff to bring back an increase in the range of 3-5 % staff to give options and council to decide whether efficiencies are something residents can bare
- Motion passed re: pressure on province to investigate single use plastic deposit program. Discussion paper from province.
- Aim to reduce litter and waste – incentivize to return for deposit EC done in PQ and Alb
- Conservation Halton – Mayor put forth motion in support of Conservation Halton – provincial recommendation for all Conservation Halton authorities to focus on core mandate – caused confusion – not sure what they are meant to provide.
- Brown Street Restore to be down by end of month
CB presented the regional Councillor’s report
- Postponed carriage sq bridge due to Conservation Halton –
- Vote oct 28 re: cannabis at local council – 1 yr review = staff report – is this something worthwhile? EC good as money leaves community otherwise – SBr agrees.
- Now working on next budget still waiting on province heard that will take time on regional review.
- EC did we know that there is federal funding on flood mitigation. CB matching program – staff review advised that should not pursue.
SB moved to accept the Council report as presented. ML seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).
AGM: CC asked BOD if there were members who plan on attending AGM but had not yet registered. Sara, Jeff, Sukh, Margaret
2020 Budget update
EC reviewed proposed budget and discussions arose around a few points including banners and wifi
– DO: banners – wifi looking for opps to be revenue generating
–would like to see an increase in social media adtg
– also oops to revamp website – online store – use pixels in social adtg – future proof
Changes were noted on the budget document. The BOD agreed to use this final draft for the AGM where it would be ratified by a vote at that meeting.
Holiday Event
- Ratification of 2 e votes
- On September 23, Board member Maragret Lara made the following e-motion:
- On Sep 23, 2019, at 1:41 PM, Margaret Lara <> wrote:
- On September 23, Board member Maragret Lara made the following e-motion:
Hi All
I’d like to make the first motion as recommended by Eric and the executive members.
That is, I propose a motion to set aside August 29th directive “to proceed (with researching costs, booking, reserving or renting…. etc…) for the DBIA to run a medium size holiday street market!!”
- An e-vote was held on this motion and was unanimously passed by the board.
- DO made a motion to to accept e vote – CB seconded. Motion passed
- On Sept 30, 2019 Board member David O’Connell made the following e-motion:
On Sep 30, 2019, at 12:13 AM, David O’Connell <> wrote:
…I will make a motion that:
“The BIA Board of Directors directs BIA staff to fund, organize and operate a Holiday themed event on Main St according to the proposal and budget submitted by BIA staff to the board on September 18th, 2019”
- An e-vote was held on this motion and it was passed by a vote of 5 to 3.
- DO motioned to go forward with HolidayFest as noted and accept the e-vote. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Note: CC has approached the Optimist Club to run the two welcome centres for the event. This will help with staffing and supervision needs on the day. They would be our Charity partner for the event. This suggestion is being reviewed at their upcoming meeting.
Garbage Receptacles:
- The BOD discussed 2 options – one was similar to the current design and one was a modern aluminum design that would allow for branding. The BOD like the second more modern option but would like to investigate cheaper options.
- The BOD agreed that it would be ok with a few units now with more added over time as the budget allowed..
MOU for Trees/Street Lighting Etc.
CC noted that she will be meeting with Ops/Horticulture to review the MOU and asked if the board had any points that they wanted to be reviewed. One suggestion was to see if town could install perennials and we’d do hanging baskets. We do maintenance
SB made a motion to accept the ED’s report. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Other Business
The board held an In Camera Session during which CC left the meeting.
- During the session, the board passed a motion to extend Rachel Shuttleworth’s maternity leave and re-organize the office as per Rachel’s staffing suggestions – Scenario 1-Basic.
Meeting adjourned