Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Location: Chamber Board Room 6:30 p.m.

Attendees: David O’Connell (DO), Eric Chabot (EC), Colin Best (CB), Margaret Lara (ML), Sara Bergsma (SB), Sukh Brar (SBr), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).

Guests: Joe Taglieri (JT),  Alan Cooke (AC), Melani Bastians (MB)

Regrets: Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Troy Newton (TN), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD),

DO called the meeting to order at 6.31pm.

DO introduced Melani Bastians (MB) – owner of The Green Eatery and the Undone Food Truck on Mary as well as representative of the Milton Public Market (MPM).

  • MB noted that has operated the Undone Food Truck for a couple of years and has in the past asked why not they were not considered part of the BIA.
    • CB welcomed MB to the meeting and the BIA. CB noted that membership in the BIA is based on property assessment.
  • MB noted that as of April 1, 2019, she is now the owner of The Green Eatery and wants to give back to the DBIA
  • MB also noted that she is a part of the Milton Public Market. As such, she will act as a liaison between the MPM and the DBIA.
    • MB related a new offer from Phil Sous of the MPM. MPM will offer 10 Retail and 10 Food spots to BIA members on a 1st come, 1st served basis for free.  Once those spots are gone, MB advised that BIA members could take advantage of her staff discount to get booth pricing of $100 Retail / $200 Food (normally $175 Retail  / $250 Food).
    • MB also talked about opportunities for BIA members to become “Community Partners”.
      • MPM will sell 25,000 memberships at $25 each (5,000 estimated in Milton). MPM vendors and community partners would offer 10% discount to MPM Members.
      • MB noted that there would be a special arrangement where BIA members could customize their offer for so that it could be something other than 10% discount ie: money off purchase or special offer. No charge for BIA members to become a community partner – cost would be in discount/offer.
    • ML: How will public know who is a Community Partner? MB: will list patrons on website and provide a window sticker to show who is participating.
    • JT: Where does MPM membership money go? MB: will go towards MPM initiatives such as classes for kids through organizations like the Rock and Salvation Army
    • DO:
      • How many vendors do you have signed up? MB: not allowed to say
      • Please clarify offer. MB: Phil will send email with offer.  Note: Phil emailed CC the offer details after the meeting.  These details will be shared with BIA members in the next Member Newsletter.
    • DO thanks MB for attending. MB stayed for remainder of meeting.

DO asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest.  No declarations were made.

DO asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.

  • CB noted that 1 correction needed to be made to the May ED Report. Work being done is on Main Street West not East.
  • SB moved to accept the minutes as presented. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report (attached).

  • MG was absent but sent his Treasurer’s report for review.
  • CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. SB seconded the motion. Motion passed.

CB presented both the regional and local Councillor report.

  • Regional report:
    • Strategic plan meeting details online at comments accepted to May 24. Work plan for next 4 years.
    • Bronte construction should be cleared in 4 nights
    • Report from province to come on Government Structure
  • Locally: construction on Main continues
    • SB asked about the timeline. CB: ends in August.  We are in the most intensive part now.

ML moved to accept the Council report as presented. SBr seconded the motion.  Motion Passed.

CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).

Budget and budget control

  • We did receive the CSJ Grant but only about ½ or what we’d budgeted for. I am recommending that the shortfall be covered by reallocating the amount set aside for Banners.  We do not have sufficient funds in the banner budget to purchase a set of new ones and replace the broken hardware.  Having a summer student for the full duration is critical to ensuring that our team can execute the events planned for 2019.
  • CB made a motion to ok the use of Banner funds for Summer Student staffing. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed


  • We have $7500 set aside for Electrical repair and maintenance which includes purchasing replacement string lights ($1500) and installing them for Christmas 2019 ($2000). We have 8 receptacles that were damaged over the winter and are needed for DMSF/CS.  This leaves $4000 for electrical repairs and maintenance.
    • CB: suggests we explore other options.
    • DO presented option of using a different contractor to do work as quotes are much less than previous ones.
    • Options like rental, donated, loan or sponsored generator use as well as other receptacle options were discussed.
    • EC made a motion to spend money on a possible solution. SBr seconded motion. Motion passed.

Classic Car Show

  • CC expressed concern over tight budget for Car Show. Noted that Gallinger had pulled out as sponsor this year.
  • BOD suggested several possible sponsors. Suggested that increased sponsorship could offset overages in budget. CC to investigate.


  • BIA will continue to explore option for the event including partnerships with event organizers.

SB made a motion to accept the ED’s report.  SBr seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Other Business:

Potential New Members:

  • DO noted that we have two potential new members but only 1 open spot according to constitution.
  • EC noted that to open a second spot requires a change to the constitution which is a long process. In addition, there are more issue to consider than just expansion of the board.  A full review of constitution is required.
    • EC invited JT and AC to continue to attend Board meetings and participate in discussions until a spot opens up. JT and AC agreed.

Durante Property

  • EC asked about Durante request for letter of support.
  • JT asked if board was supportive. EC noted that we are supportive of growth and development.
  • CC relayed that she had responded to Durante that we would provide a letter of support and he was appreciative.

DMSF Vendor Complaint

  • EC advised that a previous vendor had called him to discuss an incident between the vendor and a barricade volunteer that had resulted in the vendor being banned from future DMSF events. The board discussed the situation and concluded that:
    • There should be information in the vendor agreement that describes what happens when there is an issue with a vendor at the event. That there should be a clear statement that a vendor maybe “banned” for a year for 1st offense, 2 years for a 2nd offense and if a 3rd incident happens, then they would be banned for life. Further, that a letter should be sent to the vendor to advise them of the ban and reason for it.
    • During volunteer training, it should be reinforced that volunteers should call a supervisor before an incident escalates too far.
  • The Board agreed that CC should discuss this incident and the boards conclusions at the DMSF committee.

Next Meeting

  • BOD agreed to move the June meeting from June 19 to June 12

SB made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  SBr seconded the motion.  Motion passed