Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Location: Boardroom

Attendance: David O’Connell (DO), John Silva (JS), Colin Best (CB), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Sukh Brar (SBr), Sara Bergsma (SB), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC)

DO called the meeting to order at 6.54pm.

DO asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest – No declarations were made.

DO asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.

  • CB requested one change to the Dec18 minutes. He noted that he had “requested Region of Halton staff not Town of Milton staff to report back on the boil water advisory and its impacts”

SB moved to accept the minutes with this amendment.  SBr seconded the motion. Motion passed.

JD presented the treasurer’s report (attached).

  • CC has provided notes on what has not been on show on the G&L yet. JS is confident that there will not be much deviation from this point.
  • Estimate of final surplus for 2018 is $30,000. Operational savings $7,000 in line with previous years. The 2019 budget has no surplus in it but is aligned with 2018.
  • JS thanked BOD for support and wished all BOD well.
  • CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. SB seconded the motion. Motion passed.

John Silva left the meeting after giving his report.

KTD presented the local Councillor report.

  • Budget mtg – Monday budget sent back to staff to re-evaluate budget and cuts.
  • DMSF motion – passed – gave direction to staff keep status quo for this year.
  • Recessed until Feb 4
  • Discussions on development of 28 & 60 Bronte – see proposal attached

CB presented the regional Councillor report.

  • Development is also an official plan amendment
  • Crime – police notes on crime severity index.
  • Bill 66 – green belt and water shed opposed
  • Places to grow review – may or may not change # s for Milton – regional review – changing format not sure what will look like could be amalgamation– province wants one tier govts

SB moved to accept the Council report as presented. SBr seconded the motion.  Motion Passed.

CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).

CB made the following comments on Zoning:

  • CB pushing town staff to get going on civic precinct study – with the need for new office space – town hall expansion maybe helpful
  • Soft opening for Forest Hill coming up
  • CB confirmed Td is a home builder – 10% expansion only allowed.

CB also advised that he has been in contact with the organizers of the fairground event – Canada’s largest Easter Egg hunt April 20

For Discussion/Decision:


  • DMSF was part of Council’s budget deliberations at the Jan. 14th Council meeting.
  • CB reported:
    • Mayor and council want more community engagement not less – staff says not set to do that type of thing
    • Staff suggesting that will need to look at getting more junior staff involved and looking for other efficiencies

CC to approach Janet and Joy to get the ball rolling.

Holiday Street Market

  • Summary attached
  • Based on feedback from members, public and BOD, it was decided not to continue the agreement for the HSM with Vaulted Inc.
  • BOD discussed possible alternatives for a Nov/Dec19 Holiday event.

BOD to take a preliminary look at what this possible event might look like and make a decision on whether to move forward with planning this at next meeting.

DBIA By-law

  • Town staff has indicated that we could request an update to our by-law.  This would take some time to prepare a report and decided if any changes are needed.
    • CB: encourage bia to do this as it is over 40 years
    • May be opportunity to extend the BIA footprint to Bronte Street.  DO has been speaking to RS to expand boundary – have begun looking into affiliate program based on expressions of interest from people like Eddieos – suggest 25 to Bronte
    • CB commented that with intensification this makes sense. If we don’t have retail and offices in downtown they will go elsewhere.

BOD suggested that we loop RS into this conversation and see what other issues to look at.

Other issues discussed:

  • myFM – FM remotes for BIA Members
    • CC reviewed opportunity for BIA members to take advantage of special pricing to do myFM remotes during Farmers’ market.
    • BOD discussed suggestion and agreed that we should promote this to our members.
  • The BIA made a donation to the Townsend Smith Foundation in Memory of Peter Haight made Friday, Jan. 11th for $250.
  • Ice Cream Lab posted on FB today that they are closing as of Feb. 3

CB made a motion to accept the ED report. SB seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

DO asked for any new business.  None was presented.

CB made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  SB seconded the motion.  All in favour – motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 7.55pm