Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, December 18, 20219
Location: Pasqualino 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Eric Chabot (EC), David O’Connell (DO), Margaret Lara (ML), Sukh Brar (SBr), Sara Bergsma (SB), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).
Guest: Joe Taglieri (JT),
Regrets: Colin Best (CB), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Troy Newton (TN),
EC called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
EC asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. No declarations were made.
EC asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.
- ML moved to accept the minutes as presented. SB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (attached).
- CC presented MG’s report.
- SBr moved to accept the treasurer’s report. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Councillor’s Report:
- CC read the Councillors emailed reports (below).
- KTD:
The town’s portion of the blended tax rate increased by 5.68% in last weeks’s approved budget.
We are currently undergoing interviews for our permanent CAO. Hope to have the successful candidate announced in the New Year.
Mature Neighbourhood Character Study open house has held last week. The report should come before council for approval in February.
- CB:
Regional News for December
– Approved the 2020 Operating and Capital Budget with a 1.75% regional tax increase. There are a number of capital projects which I will highlight later.
– Regional staff are now negotiating with local builders who submitted expressions of interest for 8712 homes over the next 5 year in the Milton area for agreements that will be submitted to both councils early in the new year for approval.
– Regional staff have informed me that they will be putting a report to council regarding the implementation of the initial steps of the Allendale property concept plan including the development of the corner of Childs Drive and Ontario St. S. and the future of the police station which should be vacant later in 2021.
- SB moved to accept the Council report as presented. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).
- In addition to the items presented in the attachment, the following things were discussed.
- MoBay Jerk has closed and Caribbean Vibes will be opening in its place. Eta January 2020
- The Yogurty’s and Escarpment Sports buildings are up for sale – Correction from CB: Yogurty’s is for LEASE only
- The board also discussed Grill Daddy’s renovations and move to Village location.
CC advised that full reporting would be available in January but asked for initial impressions from BOD.
EC advised that the Winterhawks raised $741 for the Townsend Smith Foundation at their Hospice for Hockey tournament at HolidayFest
SB advised that she has spoken to 2 volunteers who would be interested in organizing next year’s HolidayFest event. Their names are Leanne Robertson and Sara from Crawfords.
Related Party Disclosure
Board was asked to complete the Related Party Disclosure form for Jan 1 2019 to Dec 31 2019. This is required of any regular board member who was active during this time period. Councillors are covered by a different town document.
- SBr moved to accept the ED’s report. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed.
In Camera Session:
Guest Joe Taglieri was asked to leave the meeting.
ML made a motion to invite Joe Taglieri to join the Board of Directors. SBr seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Joe was welcomed back to the meeting and welcomed to the board.
Other Business:
Colin Best emailed a proposal for the Board’s consideration (below) which CC read at the meeting.
Hi Cheryl
Sorry that I cannot be there tonight to talk about this subject.
If you have time could you ask the board if they are interested in pursuing this idea of leasing the pedestrian bridge behind Carriage Square with the Condo Board at 100 Millside Drive?
Here is a brief outline of my proposal which I can make in detail at our next meeting after I get all the particulars worked out with the condo board.
The lease but be for the bridge only and both the BIA and Condo Board would be joint tenants splitting the fee of $ 1 per year rental and covering the liability and maintenance fees 50/50. Ernie Crowe who is a board member and engineer got a quote for about $ 6000 to redo the concrete walkway and the condo board already maintains the walkways to the bridge and have been cleaning and salting/sanding it. Jennifer Beaver is their property manager and can work out other details that I have missed but from what I can see the bridge will last another decade or two and just needs regular maintenance. The CH board is mostly afraid of liability as it is the only bridge that they own in the channel and they have no problem with the far older iron bridge behind Rotary Park as the Town owns it!
Let me know if you need any further information and I can send it to all board members.
Please inform all the board of my regrets regarding tonight and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2020!
- see the attachment for the Halton Catholic School Board lease which is still in effect and CH does not even collect the fee!
CC also noted that she has sent a request to Risk asking them to look into the possibility of adding this to our insurance.
Further discussion on this issue is to take place at the January meeting.
- SB moved to adjourn the meeting. SBr seconded the motion. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 6:55pm.