As a Downtown Milton BIA member, you are invited to participate as a vendor with a booth on the street or by extending your patio during the Downtown Milton SummerFest on Saturday, June 7, 2025. The event includes live music, vendors, kids’ activities and more. Your participation helps create awareness for Downtown Milton while giving you the opportunity to promote your business to a wider audience.
Please note the following requirements:
- This BIA Member Application is due by MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2025. This deadline must be strictly enforced to ensure that we can effectively select external vendors and plan the street layout.
- Signed Release of Liability and Waiver and proof of Liability Insurance is due by FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2025. The certificate of insurance must name the Corporation of the Town of Milton (Address: 150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5) AND the Downtown Milton Business Improvement Area (251 Main St. E, Unit 103, Milton ON L9T 1P1) as an additional insured.
- BIA members are not permitted to provide their booth to a third-party company or supplier. The booth should be considered an extension of the BIA member’s store. In the booth, signage must predominantly reflect the BIA business name and brand, and products for sale must be the same as those available inside the store.
- All participating BIA members will be required to sign off on their designated booth location. Participating members (as well as external vendors) must commit to running their booth from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- All vendor displays must be family-friendly, interactive and engaging.
- Members requiring electricity should run power cords from their stores and ensure cords are covered with safety mats, and comply with Ontario Electrical Safety Code regulations. If your booth is not in front of your store, please let us know if you will be needing electrical.
- All members selling food are responsible for submitting their own application to the Halton Region Health Department.
- Members are responsible for providing equipment for their booth space (tents, tent weights, tables, chairs, etc).
- Each tent must be secured with four 20 lbs weights, this is mandatory. Vendors will be asked to take down their tents if they do not have weights.
- SummerFest runs rain or shine.
- Members are required to remove their waste from the street before leaving the event. Please return all waste to your store or bring it to one of the large waste bins provided (do not use street public receptacles).
- Members will be required to follow all public health and safety protocols for the event. A list of the rules and protocols will be provided prior to the event. Please be flexible, we will do our best to keep you informed and work with you.
- As with previous festivals, the DMBIA will be placing external vendors along Main Street. If a DMBIA members does not reserve the booth in front of their business for their own booth or patio, the DMBIA reserves the right to place eternal vendors in that location
To confirm your interest in participating in the event, please submit the following items to the BIA office (251 Main St, Suite 103) by MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2025:
- Completed Downtown Milton BIA Member Application form (below)
To complete your application, you will be required to submit the following to the BIA office by FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2025:
- Signed Release of Liability and Waiver (to be emailed to you)
- Proof of $5 million General Liability Insurance with the certificate identifying the following:
- The limit of insurance;
- An indication that cross liability is included under the General Liability Policy;
- The Corporation of the Town of Milton (150 Mary St., Milton, ON, L9T 6Z5) AND the Downtown Milton Business Improvement Area (251 Main St. E, Unit 103, Milton, ON L9T 1P1) as an Additional Insured;
- Description of event and activities being insured;
- Date and time of the event (Saturday, June 7, 12pm to 8pm);
- Policy number, policy period, policy type;
- 30 days written notice of cancellation or material change in coverage;
- Name, address, telephone number and signature of the authorized insurance representative.
Contact Downtown Milton with any questions or to discuss any specific requirements:
Phone: 905-876-2773 Email: