Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Location: online 6:30 p.m.

Attendees: David O’Connell (DO), Joe Taglieri (JT), Colin Best (CB), Margaret Lara (ML), Eric Chabot (EC), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Troy Newton (TN), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).

Regrets: Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Sara Bergsma (SB)

EC called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.

EC asked the committee if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. NO declarations were made.

EC asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.

  • CB motioned to accept. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed

Treasurer’s Report (presented at meeting).

  • Treasurer’s report sent by MG
  • CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. KTD seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Councillor’s Report:


  • Got several emails/calls re: Main St Construction. KTD did social posts to explain that construction was required to upkeep these assets. Now that it is done, all good.
  • Town Hall still closed. Covid task force has plan to return to work safely. Events starting to come together.
  • Indoor Regional mask by-law passed. Some ambiguity but working to resolve.


  • Halton Region Official plan possible presentation at BIA meeting Sept. 16
  • Regional construction work underway on Tremaine Road, Downtown Milton Heights open, North of 3rd side road and sewer work on Bronte St. N authorized by Council.
  • Town Hall opening partially next week for bill payments.
  • More info coming soon regarding capital budgets for Town and Region. Look to Aug. 24 meeting.
    • ML moved to accept the Council report as presented. DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.

CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).

  • Completed first interviews for CSJ position. Final selection soon.
  • RS to be back in the office Sept. 9 part time. CC’s last day is Sept. 18.
  • Fall 2020 Discover Guide to be emailed to Consumer List on Aug. 21. Good opportunity to remind public that we are still here, patios are open and we are employing all Covid-19 protocols.
  • Construction crews did some damage to a few tree bed plantings. CC worked with Contractor/Subcontractor and landscaper to fix this.
  • See ED’s notes for a list of Businesses that have opened/closed.
  • Main Street construction to be finished this Friday. Sealing should happen next year.
  • Events:
    • Sizzle Street still interested but will attempt again next year.
    • Mira to take FEO risk course
  • Farmers’ Market will probably move to Fairgrounds due to issues with finding hydro at Brown Street Lot.
  • Halton Region Plan meeting could be on same day as our next meeting. Would need to move our meeting to Sept. 16. Location tba. CB will look into booking this at Town Hall. CC will research St Paul’s. BOD members said that we should do this on Sept. 16 and make that our BOD meeting.
    • CB noted that presentation would focus on how this plan would focus on downtown Milton. Will highlight downtown area and mature neighbourhoods. Must conform with provincial policies looking at urban growth centres and preserving downtowns etc. Expect to process to take another two years.
  • CC reviewed thoughts on virtual Tiny Tots.
    • EC does not like virtual events. In his area they are doing a lot of virtual drive through type events. KTD also does not like virtual events and asked if other BIAs have done this. ICC is doing drive in concerts. As don’t believe that virtual events drive traffic to stores.
    • CC cautioned that new Town restrictions on events may not allow for live events.
    • TN asked who will pay for this? CC noted that members pay for treats. TN responded that we’d have to fund the entire event as they have just lost so much revenue via Covid and construction. EC said we could just cancel the event entirely.
    • CB noted that the Santa Claus parade was shut down when received precautions required by the Medical officer of Health. They basically shut them down because they would have had to guaranteed that:
      • Everyone sanitized
      • Everyone remained be 6 feet apart
      • No candy being handed out.
    • EC and TN agreed that this made our event unreasonable. CB did not recommend hosting this event. BOD said perhaps best not to do anything for Tiny Tots.
    • EC did recognize there may be an opportunity to do something smaller for Halloween.
    • Arts Milton sent proposal for Culture Days. CC discussed with BOD and asked if any interest to pursue. BOD discussed and decided that the BIA cannot support financially but could reach out to Members to see if interested.
  • CB motioned to accept report. KTD seconded the report. Motion approved.

Other Business:

  • No other business was brought up.


  • KTD made a motion to adjourn. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm.