Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Location: online 6:30 p.m.
Attendees: David O’Connell (DO), Joe Taglieri (JT), Colin Best (CB), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Margaret Lara (ML), Sara Bergsma (SB), Troy Newton (TN), Eric Chabot (EC), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).
Regrets: Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD)
DO called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
DO asked the committee if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. NO declarations were made.
DO asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.
- CB motioned to accept. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed
Treasurer’s Report (presented at meeting).
- Treasurer’s report sent by MG
- Big news is that we got the second Levy transfer
- Expenses are pretty much all salary related
- Total basis for the year we are at $81,000
- By next meeting should be able to refine revenue projections bases on what is possible. Will then be able to determine whether we need to revise plans for the rest of the year. Should be focus of next meeting. For now all on track.
- CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed
Councillor’s Report:
- Speaking for KTD: special council meeting tomorrow re: Covid19 and town recovery report.
- Motion on the floor that we are looking at a temporary mask bylaw if the region does not do so.
- New Regional official plan: consultation on settlements, urban growth centres and
- CB: would board be interested in hosting a meeting for interested Downtown stakeholders?
- DO: great idea.
- CB: Possibly online or social distancing would be in Sept/Oct
- Board discussed – DO asked Colin to share some more info on this. Will send to CC
- JT moved to accept the Council report as presented. MG seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).
- Have awarded prizes for Virtual Canada Day.
- Carly Anderson, Milton Centre for the Arts requests input on possible names for community engagement for Milton’s first culture plan. DO was interested. CC to provide contact to Carly.
- CC discussed interest from Sizzle Street. Discussed next steps with board. Agreed that don’t want to discourage but need to make sure that they understand what is involved and possible costs. CC to continue discussions only. DO encouraged to seek assistance with volunteering on something like dmsf.
- Milton Farmers’ Market – will remain in CHP until at least Sept. 19. Plans are still to return to DTMilton but probably Brown Street lot.
- Construction updates – dates for road closures and daytime construction between July 20-24 between James and Millside. Some temporary parking changes. Paving dates Aug 5-7 overnight 11pm to 6 am Main Street closures.
- CSJ: CC will start hiring process and do initial interviews and RS will sit in on final interviews.
- Social Media Contractor: workload changes due to Covid 19 and budget changes may see changes to the status of the contractor. CC will be meeting with AK next week to discuss.
- DO: question about Restore parking lot not ready? CB: was supposed to be in July but being cautious as contractor has had some issues – expect to be ready sometime in August.
- EC joined the meeting
- CB motioned to accept report. SB seconded the report. Motion approved.
Other Business:
- CB wanted input on mandatory mask bylaw. EC :good idea – gives businesses ability to enforce without getting into arguments. DO: region not making motion until next week but Halton Hills has done so. SB: not in favour of masks but are trying face shields.
- CB: basically Milton’s would follow what Halton Hills has done. Says this is a temporary by law and anything the region does will supersede ours.
- DO: Extended patios – is there any thought of keeping patios past pandemic? CB: possibility. Deadline is November. TN: patio works now but really no desire to have one permanently. Has helped but realistically, if restaurants are not open soon, will not survive. JT: issue with patios maybe about parking. CB: yes. Meant to be a temporary situation. But town is adding 50 spaces and more people are staying home so could look at this again next year.
- CB made a motion to adjourn. EC seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.