Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Location: online 6:30 p.m.
David O’Connell (DO), Joe Taglieri (JT), Colin Best (CB), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Margaret Lara (ML), Sara Bergsma (SB), Troy Newton (TN), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).
Eric Chabot (EC),
DO called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm.
DO asked the committee if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. NO declarations were made.
DO asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.
- SB motioned to accept. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed
Treasurer’s Report (presented at meeting).
- Treasurer’s report sent by MG
- Not received second half of levy transfer yet. Expected within next month.
- Expenses: story is what is not happening since events did not happen due to Covid-19. Actually, down month over month but consistent with what we expected. For the month of May down about 3k. All in for year about 71k trending as expected.
- At last meeting there was a request to see how Covid-19 will impact us budget wise. Have looked at where could adjust plans and whether we could use “savings”.
- Best estimates show expected surplus for the year as about $7k. Board discussed options and determined that we will tentatively take $6,000 from banners and keep it for HolidayFest to boost that budget. This is dependent on whether we are permitted to go ahead with HolidayFest.
- CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report. TN seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Councillor’s Report:
- Skate parks and basketball courts open June 6. Signage and Ambassadors posted to provide guidance on social distancing.
- Marriage licences now available by appointment.
- Outdoor dining deferred to CB – staff eager to get approved
- Report to council on June 22nd re: 4 cannabis applications – 3 on Main Street.
- Staff working to have virtual public meetings on applications
- Milton economic recovery task force first meeting held recently
- Budget in works
- MPL started June 5
- Stage 2 expected soon – availability of new drive in entertainment spaces – Dan Chasses looking at doing things – would there be availability of brown street lot?
- Covid-19 details – – numbers trending down – getting ready for phase 2 would allow us to do extended patios
- Construction going on with regional projects
- Pushing province to do more economic development – watching what’s happening in Ottawa and other areas.
- TN: when is construction on main street?
- CC: received email that would begin in July.
- CB: not a long project – cut and patch type work
- SB: application for 4 cannabis stores – 3 of which would be on Main Street. 2 within bia. Is there a limit to the number of stores allowed? CC: Residents can make concerns known. KTD: at municipal level can only work re: zoning and by law otherwise provincially regulated. KTD said that would pass along info from June 22 meeting.
- SB moved to accept the Council report as presented. ML seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).
- Town has announced timeline for budget – call in September with final in December – should begin thinking about this
- CSJ revised timeline in consultation with Rachel – student would be Sept. 14 to Dec. 15 doing database work or event work. CSJ did not receive a second application from AKV’s office.
- Have been working with EcDev and Chamber to pursue the extended patio scenario. Have sent email from Chamber and BIA encouraging that this be done in a timely fashion ie: before given ok. Andrew Siltala said this looks like it will happen.
- TN: did caution that parking space development could be expensive. CC noted that more important part is that the town is to be flexible on what is possible.
- CC: some other bias putting together reopening kits for members. Board thought that this was a good idea. Will develop a pdf kit.
- CB: what is happening with revitalization program. CC: last that I heard from Lee was that they were going ahead with the garbage can program but I will contact to find out about timeline.
- CB motioned to accept report. ML seconded the report. Motion approved.
Other Business:
- SB: Georgetown is running the farmers’ market in downtown core. What happened with ours? Did we hear anything from Chamber? CC: Were not able to be on Main Street due to the Town’s restrictions on public gatherings which are in place to July 5. SB: why does town have this restriction and not Georgetown? KTD: not sure why Georgetown was allowed to do so. CB: As all town facilities are closed, so are all town streets. More insurance and liability. Hopefully might reopen.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.