Board of Director’s Meeting – Minutes
Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Eric Chabot (EC), David O’Connell (DO), Sukh Brar (SBr), Sara Bergsma (SB), Joe Taglieri (JT), Colin Best (CB),), Miguel Gonsalves (MG), Kristina Tesser Derksen (KTD), Margaret Lara (ML), Cheryl Ciccarelli (CC).
Troy Newton (TN),
EC called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
EC asked the table if there was any declaration of pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. No declarations were made.
EC asked the group to review the previous meeting minutes.
- SB noted that there was a spelling error in the minutes: correct Liane Leanne Robertson
- SB moved to accept the minutes as presented. JT seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (presented at meeting).
- MG presented treasurer’s report.
- MG discussed doing a formal report on the year end for once the TOM adjustments are made and will address anticipated surplus.
- CB asked what TOM staff wanted to do with surplus. CB believes that surplus is required to deal with unexpected expenses and should be kept in reserves.
- CB moved to accept the treasurer’s report DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Councillor’s Report:
- KTD:
- CAO position filled by Andrew Siltala
- Laurier hosted night at Pasqualino met with councillors to keep momentum going. Working with Conestoga and looking for private funding.
- AMO board discussion – try to merge provincial year end March 31 and Town year end Dec 31 – want to coordinate once and for all
- Allocation agreements – 8700 units – 35000 people.
- Currently underway summary see attached
- Former Restore location is now down – will become a parking lot until t
- SB_moved to accept the Council report as presented. DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CC presented the Executive Director’s Report (attached).
- In addition to the items presented in the attachment, the following things were discussed.
- Event submissions for May to August events are due in the first week of March.
- CC discussed revamping of the August Sidewalk Sale event to become a multi-cultural event. Options were discussed but BOD eventually decided to cut this event and divert the funds to the HolidayFest event.
- DO made a motion to eliminate the August Sidewalk Sale event and the funds allocated to that expense to supplement the HoliayFest event. CB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- DO also suggested that we add a weekly music event that would feature small groups on Main Street during the summer. The BOD discussed this proposal.KTD suggested tying this in to Milton Concert Band’s Soundsational Summer Series which takes place on the first 4 Thursday evenings in July at Victoria Park. CC will put together notes on a possible event and review at February meeting.
- EC noted that Starbucks should be approached as they have a target number that must be spent on local sponsorship.
- CC discussed revamping of the August Sidewalk Sale event to become a multi-cultural event. Options were discussed but BOD eventually decided to cut this event and divert the funds to the HolidayFest event.
- Event submissions for May to August events are due in the first week of March.
- CC reviewed the Summary results from Tiny Tots 19 and HolidayFest19 with the BOD.
- HolidayFest19
- KTD would like to see this become the winter equivalent of the DSMF
- EC noted that given need for set up/tear down help BIA should investigate paid help for logistics
- HolidayFest19
- CC reviewed the Summary results from Tiny Tots 19 and HolidayFest19 with the BOD.
- CB moved to accept the ED’s report. SB seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Other Business:
CB: Carriage Square Bridge
See email from last minutes
CB suggests that we form a partnership with condo and HDSB with DBIA.
$6K to redo walkway – future costs on 50/50 basis
CB: Would BOD be interested in pursuing this?
TOM not interested in pursuing as there is no easement with Carriage Square.
KTD: What is the feeling at Condo Board? – CB: There is a lot of interest.
Have 90 days as of Nov. presentation to CH BOD.
CB would come back at Feb mtg if there is interest.
KTD is carriage square prepared to allow access? Any concerns from Carriage Square with liability
CB: Yes. Will allow access. No concerns with liability from Carriage Square.
KTD would be interest in learning more in Feb
DO what would proposal be?
CB: HCDSB has a $1/yr for lease and maintains access.
EC Will town allow us to add this or would a separate policy be required? Min. $3K plus insurance?
CB: Investigating Insurance with TOM. Amount correct.
JT: Salt and snow removal by condo? – Would this be in agreement? CB: Yes. They have been doing it and will be in agreement.
JT: $6k maintenance cost?– Was this signed off by engineer? CB Yes. By a contractor and Ernie Snow who is an engineer.
KTD: Conservation Halton owns bridge? CB Yes. It is part of the existing channel.
CB: The province is pushing Conservation Halton to disengage themselves from anything that is not part of their core mandate.
KTD: Conservation Halton would retain ownership of the bridge and we would rent it from them? CB: Yes. We would pay rent for bridge. As long as someone else takes care of liability Conservation Halton would be ok with that.
SB: Would be surprised if passes insurance test.
BOD agreed to have CB return with a proposal in writing at the February BOD meeting.
- CB moved to adjourn the meeting. DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Meeting ended at 7:35 pm.